Welcome to Davepoems
I hope you enjoy these poems which have been written over the past 23 years.
If you would like to reproduced these poems for any non profit purposes, please feel free to do so. However in all other
circumstances please contact me first as all these poems are copyright.
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At the end of last year(2006) a friend of mine, Mark Smith, a young man in his 20s, lost his battle with a brain tumour
diagnosed about 18 months ago. Mark was a great guy who loved life and wanted to live it to the full.
I met him at the Salvation Army Roots convention at Southport in 2005 and although we were at different ends of the country
we stayed in contact. In July of that year we made the trip to Edinburgh for the Make Poverty History march. During that weekend
Mark became ill and shortly afterwards was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Despite various courses of treatment and much prayer
God obviously needed a "techie" in Heaven. As Mark loved all things technical he should be in his element!
He'll be missed by all his mates left behind but especially by his mum Alison. Please pray for her and her family at this

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